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      Normal Resin
      Professional Resin
      Other Type
      Chromatography using polyamide resin
    Cangzhou Bon Adsorber Technology Co., LTD.
    Manager:Mr Yanzhijun 15631709666
    Sales manager:Mr Zhou 15383372715
    Add:No. 18 east the Yellow River Road, Cangzhou development zone.
    Mail: 378661157@qq.com(Mr.Zhou)

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    HPD722 type adsorption resin

    USES: sweet chrysanthemum glucoside flavonoids alkaloids etc, the extraction and separation of the composition

    Performance index: appearance: white opaque spherical particles

    Particle size: (0.3 -1.25 mm)

    Water: 65-75

    Wet depending on the density: 0.63-0.75 g/ml

    Wet true density: 1.01 -1.08g/ml

    The apparent density: 0.25-0.32 g/ml

    Average pore size: 130-140A

    Than surface:485-530m2 / g

    Suggest operating conditions: the highest use temperature: 150 / C

    Adsorption velocity: 1-4 BV/hr

    Desorption flow rate: 0.6 -2 BV/hr

    Desorption agent: 2- 3 BV

    Desorption agent varieties: ethanol or ethanol solution